Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday!!!

I thought I would do a "thankful Thursday" post.  Whew!  It's been a crazy week.  I have so much to be thankful for.  First, is Jack.....we found out a few weeks ago Jack is farsighted and needs glasses we, also learned he has problems with eye-tracking.  

We went to see the specialist this past Tuesday for a 2.5 hour evaluation. Jack had to undergo all sorts of visual, auditory and motor tests.  I was then called in by the specialist to review her findings.  It seems Jack is "gifted" in Visual/Spatial Intelligence.  This is how he learns and decodes the information around him.  The other side is, he is also "learning disabled" because of his inability to eye-track.  

Now, we can get Jack the therapy he needs to succeed and be confident in himself.  This has been an "eye opener" for us.  This explains so many of the pieces of Jack that no else could seem to answer. We are so thankful to be finding this out now.  We have a long road ahead of us, Jack will need therapy weekly for the next 6-9 months.  Click here to learn more about Jack and his unique learning style.   Here is a photo of Jack and his new glasses, he looks so handsome.  

Here is some artwork of Miss Lucy's.  She gave this to me last week.  On one side it said...the Pilgrims were thankful for the Indians and on the other side.....Me, I am thankful for mom and dad.  AAAAWWWWW!!  

I would be proud if Olivia or Jack had said they were thankful for us too but, when this comes from your adopted daughter it means so much more.  I still find it a miracle of how she came to be our daughter and a part of our family.  She is an amazing, sweet little girl.  We are so thankful for you Lucy!  I love her artwork of the three of us.  She drew her and daddy with black hair.   :) 


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